The Subtly Southern Reader
What happens when someone other than our spouse finds us
attractive, enlightened, interesting?
Do we resist the flattery and the ensuing near-romance;
or does it seem to always with us, as it seems to be with this story's subjects an annual "SEASON OF DIVORCE"  
Click arrow on above players (Part One on top, Part Two on bottom)
 to enjoy this the tenth day of ELEVEN DAYS WITH CHEEVER.
The other nine days can be found below
The Gambler
9/6/2010 12:02:51 pm

This was a particularly touching story.


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     Lyndon K. Ashworth is "The Subtly Southern Reader", aspiring to introduce you to some of the Pulitzer Prize winning  "Stories of John Cheever." Enjoy.


    September 2010
    August 2010



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